
NextStep is an internationally recognized non-profit organization that makes life-changing rehab accessible and affordable to those living with paralysis.

NextStep's paralysis recovery centers are located in Los Angeles (HQ), Atlanta, Orlando, Kansas City, Raleigh, Las Vegas, Nashville, the Ukraine and New Zealand. Our centers are affordable, state-of-the-art, and community-based providing hope after paralysis. By offering standardized activity-based therapy programs and interventions, based on research; our centers provide the best chance for recovery, independence, and health.

In August 2006, Janne Kouri's life changed in a split second. An avid athlete, Janne was participating in a beach volleyball tournament. Between matches he decided to take dip in the ocean to cool off. Like so many times before, Janne ran into the water and dove through a wave. But, it was not like every other time - under the wave this time was a sand bar. Janne hit his head on that sand bar and fractured his C5 & C6 vertebrae. In an instant, he was paralyzed from the neck down. The next thing he remembers is being told by his doctors he has no hope for recovery and he will never walk again. But the real shock was when he was told that there was not a single progressive rehab center in the state of California. After two months in ICU, in order to get the rehab services, he so desperately needed for survival, he had to move 2000 miles away to Louisville, KY.

Janne, and his girlfriend Susan, traveled to Frazier Rehab in Louisville to participate in a cutting edge rehabilitation therapy for individuals with Spinal Cord Injury called "Locomotor Training." For twelve months Janne and Susan lived in Louisville, and under the watchful eye of his therapy team, saw great improvements in his muscle strength, movement, and general health. Unfortunately, his insurance coverage came to an end and it was time to move back home to California. Janne quickly discovered there was not a single community facility in California or in the US that offered locomotor training. He discovered that there is a complete lack of community fitness, health, and wellness resources available to the Six Million people with paralysis-related disabilities in America. Six Million people, that is the combined populations of Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C. He wondered what everyone else like him was doing. So, with the help of his family, friends, and the guiding influence of Dr. Susie Harkema - one of the neuroscientists who created Locomotor Training & enhanced Activity Based Therapy techniques, Janne and Susan decided to start NextStep.

Amount raised to support the paralysis community
Clients served per month
Number of NextStep paralysis recovery centers in the USA and abroad
One month gym membership
One month of guided activity-based therapy
One month of locomotor therapy


2023 Budget
70%Program Spend
15%Management Spend
15%Fundraising Spend


Locomotor Training

Locomotor Training allows individuals living with paralysis to repetitively practice standing and stepping using body weight support. In a therapy session, the participant is suspended in a harness over a treadmill while specially trained therapists move his or her legs and body to simulate walking. As the person gains function, improvements in sitting, standing, reaching, grasping or walking occur.

Overground Training is conducted immediately following a LT session. During Overground Training, we push the nervous system after you’ve activated it while weight bearing on the treadmill. While your nervous system is at its’ most heightened point, we focus on activating your limiting factors in order to regain as much function as possible. For example; if your core is weak and is the reason you are unable to stand, we will focus our session activating and strengthening your core muscles.

Guided Activity-Based Therapy

Guided Activity-Based Therapy consists of 1-on-1 or 2-on-1 training with our certified activity-based therapists. Our trainers will work with you to promote functional recovery and improved health.

NeuroMuscular Electrical Stimulation "NMES"

Neuromuscular electrical stimulation, an activity-based therapy, provides high frequency, wide pulse width, task specific stimulation to generate a motor output while increasing the central state of excitability in the spinal cord. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation is provided via the Restorative Therapies Incorporated Sage unit with Xcite software and use of lead wires to 12 different muscle groups based on the targeted item from the Neuromuscular Recovery Scale. Tasks are performed with and without stimulation to transfer the improved neuromuscular capacity into the home and community environment.

Cutting Edge Facility and Equipment

Our facilities offer cutting-edge and accessible rehabilitation and fitness equipment.

A comprehensive resource center including; access to doctors and the latest in research, free peer group sessions and educational classes, and informational materials for anyone in the community.

We also pride ourselves in creating a fun, supportive, progressive, and motivational environment with TVs and uplifting music throughout the facility. We also have changing rooms for our clients.

Volunteering + Events

Ride for Paralysis

Each year, we embark on two adventures on wheels. To date we have ridden over 5,000 miles throughout the USA and raised over $1 Million to support the paralysis community! Our mission is to raise awareness and funds to support NextStep and the 6 million individuals and wounded service members living with paralysis in the U.S. Please consider making a donation or come join the fun. It truly is an experience of a lifetime and you do not need to be an avid cyclist to get it done. You can join for a day or for the whole adventure! Learn more at our website.


Email us at [email protected] if you are interested in volunteering!

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