Setting Scoliosis Straight Foundation

Setting Scoliosis Straight Foundation falls under the Nerve, Muscle & Bone Diseases Research category: Organizations that conduct research which can be used to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases or conditions that affect the nerves, muscles or bones. The related medical specialty is orthopedic surgery.

My name is Tanya Krueger and I was born with Congenital Scoliosis. It was a very traumatic birth and both my mother, and I almost died that night. I was shipped off by ambulance later that evening to spend several days at a bigger hospital in Madison, WI.

My Spina Bifida turned out to be very minor, compared to the severity of my Scoliosis. My curve at birth was around 55 degrees. They tried body cast, bracing, and saw specialists weekly in Madison. The curve was getting worse, but the doctors didn’t have any idea what to do.

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2022 Budget
80%Program Spend
17%Management Spend
3%Fundraising Spend