The Adventure Project

Social ButterflyImpactful ReachSolid Support

Alleviating poverty is at the heart of what we do. We create jobs in developing countries and love telling people, “You’re Hired!”

When Grace's husband suddenly died, she found herself alone with three small children. Thankfully, she received job training and tools to become a Community Health Promoter. Now she earns a living, while caring for over 800 people in her village in Uganda. Already, she's treated over 300 children with malaria. Her job is life-giving. Your support is a cost-effective solution to ending poverty.

Having one Community Health Worker in a village reduces child mortality by 25%
We've created 1,672 jobs in Haiti, India, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania + Malawi
Impacted over 1 million people with access to better health care, nutritious food, clean water, and a safer environment
provides a family a new fuel-efficient stove
pipes water directly into one family's home
creates one job + training, education, and tools


2022 Budget
68%Program Spend
15%Management Spend
18%Fundraising Spend


ENVIRONMENT: Reducing carbon emissions with charcoal stoves

Cooking over open fires is one of the world’s biggest - but least known - killers of women and children. 4.3 million people die each year from breathing in toxic cooking smoke. Stoves are made locally and sold by men and women in Kenya and Tanzania. Each stove dras- tically reduces toxic smoke and uses 50% less charcoal than cooking over open fires. One stove saves six trees from being turned into charcoal each year.

HUNGER: Helping farmers grow more food

80% of the poor in Sub-Saharan Africa work as subsistence farmers. Each night, 75% of their children go hungry because they struggle to grow enough to feed their families. 12-15 million farmers in Africa would benefit from irrigation. One irrigation pump can lift a farmer and his family out of poverty and into the middle class in as little as one harvest.We also support programs training farmers on how to increase crop yield. On average, each farmer grows enough to sell produce to over 50 community members, and earns enough to send one child to school for the first time.

HEALTH: Getting lifesaving products into villages

Every minute, three children die in the developing world because they do not have ac- cess to basic medicine. We support the training of local female leaders to become health care agents in Uganda and Kenya. They earn an income selling 60+ products at affordable prices while caring for approximately 800 people in their community. Research has shown that they are reducing child mortality by 25% in their communities.

WATER: Keeping water flowing

Over one-third (36%) of all wells drilled in the past 20 years are now broken - 50,000 are currently broken in Africa alone. Training local well mechanics to fix and maintain wells is the most sustainable way to ensure wells are always working. One caretaker per well is hired to collect user fees and keep the well clean. Mechanics earn an income from repairs and maintenance.

Danielle, Erick & 46 others backed this