Dream Factory Brooklyn

Dream Factory of Brooklyn is a volunteer-driven nonprofit organization dedicated to granting dreams to critically and chronically ill children between the ages of three and eighteen. Unlike many similar organizations, we believe that children facing chronic illnesses and disorders endure significant emotional and physical challenges, and they, too, deserve the opportunity to experience the joy of a dream come true.

The Dream Factory gave not just Wanda Lisa, but us as a family such memorable experiences. We still talk about it today. We were just able to able to wind down, relax, have fun, and not worry for that week. All of the medical appointments, all of the stress, just gone for that time. A time we were just able to enjoy things we've never experience before. It's difficult to put into words how exactly we as a family were impacted by the Dream Factory's Wish for Wanda Lisa, but to say that we're appreciative doesn't do it enough justice. We have memories that will never be forgotten, ever. Thank you Dream Factory for bringing such tremendous joy to Wanda Lisa, her siblings, and us her parents!

all money raised goes directly toward granting dreams.