Empty Arms Bereavement Support Inc

Empty Arms Bereavement Support serves individuals and families in Massachusetts whose babies have died through miscarriage, stillbirth, early infant death, or termination for medical reasons. By cultivating personal connections, creating a compassionate community, and fostering professional collaborations, we provide grieving parents with valuable resources and validation as they navigate the murky days, weeks, and lifetime without their baby.

This is Alina from Wakefield, MA. She joined Empty Arms in January 2021 just 9 days after the sudden death of her 4-month-old son, Quinn. Empty Arms has given her so much as she begins to process her loss, and she wants to make sure it is always there to help families like hers survive the unsurvivable.

The space that Empty Arms provides is invaluable in its safety to grieving parents. In our circles, grief is accepted as a normal process, and participants-- rather than being urged to "get over it" and "move on' are encouraged to determine a path forward that allows them to carry their baby's memory all while also trying to reduce their own personal suffering. We provide our services at the bedside at time of loss in Western Massachusetts, and our virtual support groups (9-11 per month) offer consistent, safe spaces for people to gather, create connections, and be truthful about their experience.

1 in 4
One in four confirmed pregnancies ends in loss. Empty Arms is the ONLY comprehensive support organization in Massachusetts that provides information, comfort and validation to people experiencing miscarriage, stillbirth, termination for medical reasons and early infant death.
Self-care bag for a parent whose baby has just died
Training for professionals to care for bereaved parent
Casting materials to make perfect little molds of hands and feet



We fund professional photography so that parents can have beautiful photographs of their time together.

Support Groups

Our groups provide safe environments for our families to connect and develop true friendships with other bereaved parents.

Volunteering + Events

Syrup Stampede

Our biggest event will return for April 3, 2022! The syrup stampede brings the community together for a run and a pancake breakfast to build community.

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