Jamie Kimble Foundation for Courage

Our mission is to create a future without intimate partner violence. To make that possible, we are dedicated to funding initiatives with defined outcomes that prevent intimate partner violence, that provide educational curriculum for youth and young adults, that promote awareness, and that provide credible research for the exploration of innovative methods that stop intimate partner violence.Our four initiatives are:Prevention - Primary Prevention, stopping IPV before it begins. Focusing on education and understanding for young people, early. Partner with organizations who focus on the important work of Secondary Intervention. Education - Support School Curriculums, communicate broadly the impacts of IPV, develop University partnerships to more deeply educate college age young people on the problem of IPV.Awareness - Communicate with community leadership to increase awareness, foster Employers Programs aimed at awareness, leverage a speakers bureau and build on the Women of Courage Lun

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2022 Budget
79%Program Spend
17%Management Spend
4%Fundraising Spend