Just One Chesed

Just One Chesed (JOC) facilitates and spreads acts of Kindness. Empowering people to give back and support others, while creating a lasting impact – changing the world Just One Chesed at a time.

The seeds for Just One Chesed were planted in 2010, when Jerry Latinik was looking for a way to lift the spirits of his community in Chicago, where many people were suffering from the effects of the financial crash of 2008. Together with a few friends, Jerry put together a “Shabbos of Achdus” (unity) for seven shuls. Despite the fact that none of the organizers had much money to work with, everyone agreed that the event was enormously successful.

“I realized that there are so many more ways that we can give, even without money.

We can give the biggest thing of all, which is giving of ourselves.”

Following that experience, Jerry was motivated to create a central hub connecting those in need with those who want to help – even if all they had to give was a single act of chesed. Working off the simple but profound concept that one act of kindness can change the world, Just One Chesed was officially born in 2016 as a one-stop-shop for all things chesed. Since then, it has grown to serve individuals, families, communities, schools, and organizations who want to do their part in making the world a kinder place – in the easiest way possible.

We have generated over 100,000 acts of kindness.


2023 Budget
92%Program Spend
8%Management Spend
0%Fundraising Spend
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