Remote Area Medical

Our mission is to prevent pain and alleviate suffering by providing free, quality healthcare to those in need. We do this by delivering free dental, vision and medical services to underserved and uninsured individuals.

Since RAM was founded in 1985, over 183,000 volunteers – comprised of professional practitioners, as well as general support staff – have treated more than 900,000 individuals delivering more than $181.5 million worth of free healthcare services.

In 2021 RAM treated 24,814 patients with the help of 9,241 volunteers for a total value of care at $7,523,867
2021 Program Services
2021 Management Spend
2021 Fundraising Spend


2022 Budget
75%Program Spend
13%Management Spend
12%Fundraising Spend


Dental Services

Volunteering at a RAM clinic is not your typical 9 to 5 day at the office. It requires a commitment to hard work, but it is truly an exhilarating and rewarding experience. The days are long, the work is tiring, and yet clinic after clinic our volunteers bounce in with energy and smiles, ready to make a patient’s day better. In order to make a RAM clinic run smoothly, it takes an army of devoted volunteers with diverse backgrounds and interests to come together for one mission: to prevent pain and alleviate suffering

Vision Services

We empower, inspire, and lead communities to serve those in need. We are committed to equipping communities with strategies and resources as we work together to confront healthcare problems in their own backyard. Our mission is driven by the dedication of compassionate volunteers – they are heroes. Our clinics provide volunteers with an opportunity to contribute to community transformation. This generates a movement steered dynamic and caring people seeking to change their world.

Volunteering + Events

Our Volunteers

We are committed to providing all of our services and support at no charge to patients. Our standard of service combines high quality healthcare with compassion and cooperation from our supporters, partners, and practitioners. RAM complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. To view full disclaimer click here.

Pop-Up Clinics

Our clinics could not take place without the hard work of our staff at Headquarters in Rockford, TN. From filling out the right paperwork, to loading clinic equipment, restocking supplies, and maintaining vehicles, every task at Headquarters is key to ensuring that we provide free, high-quality clinics across the country year after year.

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