FOXG1 Research Foundation

The FRF is a parent-led global organization driving the research to find precise treatments and ultimately a cure for every child in the world with FOXG1 Syndrome. FOXG1 Syndrome is a rare, neurological disorder caused by a mutation of the FOXG1 gene, which is one of the first and most critical genes in brain development. Most children born with FOXG1 Syndrome have severe cognitive and physical disabilities, are non-speaking, experience intractable seizures, respiratory distress, cortical vision impairment, feeding difficulties, reflux, movement disorders, and more. Scientists have found links between FOXG1 and major brain disorders like autism, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, brain cancers, and more, and they believe research around FOXG1 can help solve these related brain disorders affecting millions of people worldwide.


2023 Budget
73%Program Spend
20%Management Spend
7%Fundraising Spend
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