
We are a non-profit (501c3) organization dedicated to unlocking the employment potential of first generation and/or low income (FGLI) college students by providing career information, social capital, and job placement services.

To fulfill our mission, we will partner with employers, community organizations, and schools that aspire to maintain the American dream for everyone, especially for the young graduates who are the first in their families to attend college. Through these partnerships, we will build and execute three primary services to inform, advise, and place this exclusive pool of human talent in employment positions that benefit both the individual and the employer.

Over 10,000 students are already using CareerSpring for career exploration, professional network building, and job placement.


2022 Budget
75%Program Spend
17%Management Spend
8%Fundraising Spend


Inform - Career Video Library

CareerSpring provides career information in our Video Library cultivated through video volunteers, offering an inside look into over 500 different careers.

Advise - Career Advising

CareerSpring provides our Advisees access to professional connections and personalized advice through online consultations with Advisors.

Place - Job Placement

CareerSpring works to connect FGLI Advisees in our Network with high-quality employment opportunities with employers who care.

Guide - Career Resources

As well as access to a Career Toolkit, featuring resume and cover letter guides, interview tips, and on the job resources for young professionals.

Volunteering + Events

Volunteer as a Career Advisor

Your career experience and professional path can be a source of guidance and inspiration for FGLI students. When you become an Advisor, students (Advisees) can reach out to you for live advisory video conferences via the Platform’s online meeting software. You can even set your preferred availability and meeting capacity per month.

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Create a Career Video

Love your job? Share your professional story with our students in a short career video. Answer several key questions about how you got into your career, what your work is like, and what advice you have for FGLI college students considering a similar path.

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