Face to Face Sonoma County Aids Network
Santa Rosa, CA
Our mission is ending HIV in Sonoma County while supporting the health and well-being of people living with HIV/AIDS.Since our beginning in 1983, Face to Face has addressed the ever-changing challenges presented by the HIV epidemic in Sonoma County.To this end, we offer HIV prevention education and services to Sonoma County and we empower clients living with HIV with supportive services including housing assistance, benefits counseling, information, referrals, and transportation. We strengthen our community through outreach, education and HIV policy advocacy on a local and national level.The HIV/AIDS environment is changing due to advances in medical care. An HIV diagnosis is no longer an imminent death sentence. Instead, the focus becomes eliminating new infections and supporting HIV/AIDS-affected individuals so that they can live an independent and healthy life for many years. Face to Face is committed to providing the essential care necessary to help reconnect our clients with their