Hearth, Inc.

EstablishedSolid Support

Hearth is a non-profit organization dedicated to the elimination of homelessness among the elderly. This mission is accomplished through a unique blend of prevention, placement, and housing programs all designed to help elders find and succeed in homes of their own.

To this end, all housing operated by Hearth provides a creative array of supportive services that assist residents to age with dignity, regardless of their special medical, mental health, or social needs. Hearth believes these goals are best accomplished through respect for elders and staff, with the desire to see both achieve their highest degree of potential.

In November 2018, Hearth welcomed Paula and presented her with keys to her new apartment and a basket full of household essentials to help ease her transition into housing. For the last four years Paula had lived at various shelters across the city.

After settling in to her new space, Paula recounted, that for the first time in a long while, she would be able to wake up the next morning without someone telling her to get up, pack, and leave. This would also be the first time in years Paula took a shower without fear of someone taking her belongings. Perhaps the most exciting thing for Paula though, was the thought of running errands in the middle of the afternoon and being able to go back to a place she can call home. As she finished unpacking and hung up her new shower curtain, Paula began to shed happy tears. She was finally home!

One week after moving in, Paula invited a small group of staff and residents to her apartment. She was making her first home-made meal in four years, chicken alfredo. She slowly shook her head and said, "can you believe it? I haven't made a meal in years and tonight I'm using my own kitchen, my own pots and pans, and I can invite guests over. Hearth has changed everything for me."

We all have the power to restore someone’s faith in humanity and their hope by showing compassion and kindness. Your donation today will continue to help Hearth's elders, like Paula, as they transition out of homelessness and into homes of their own.

On an annual basis, we serve over 500 seniors through our Outreach and Hearth Housing Programs.
Close to 200 formerly homeless or at-risk seniors currently call Hearth home, living in one of our 6 residential or assisted-living sites.
Since 1991, Hearth has helped over 2,600 homeless or at-risk seniors find new homes of their own and either provided them with or connected them to the services – health care management, behavioral health support, personal care as they grew less able to deal with the everyday tasks of living – that they needed to succeed in their own homes.


2022 Budget
63%Program Spend
30%Management Spend
7%Fundraising Spend


Hearth Outreach Program

Hearth's Outreach Program seeks to reach individuals aged 50 or older who are currently living on Boston's streets, in homeless shelters or who are at risk of homelessness. This is accomplished through both case management and prevention services.

Before, during, and after placement, Hearth Outreach Case Managers provide stabilization services to help ensure that their elderly clients are connected to supportive services – health care management, behavioral health support, personal care as they grew less able to deal with the everyday tasks of living – so that they are able to succeed and stay housed in their own homes for years to come.

Hearth Housing

Hearth owns or operates 174 units of service-enriched housing across 6 sites in the Boston area, including 43 units of Affordable Assisted Living in Roxbury.

In 2021, a 7th site, Hearth at Four Corners will open, adding 54 units for low income, extremely low income, and homeless seniors in Boston.

Hearth's service-enriched housing model starts with a safe home, but also provides a holistic approach to care with its on-site team that includes nurses, social workers, and certified home health aides, who work together to address resident’s physical, behavioral health and social needs. The cost of Hearth housing is estimated to be significantly less than half the cost of institutional alternatives such as long-term care, and significantly less than the cost of leaving people homeless.

Volunteering + Events

Volunteer Virtually

Virtual volunteers are able to run an activity from the safety of their own homes. Activities may include, hosting bingo, playing select card and board games, such as Crazy 8’s and Scattegories, leading a prayer session, having a poetry or jam session, joining in a sing-a-long or karaoke, hosting a comedy night, and so much more. Have an idea? Share it!

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Assemble a "Welcome Basket" for a Newly Housed Senior

Support an older adult who is moving into housing of their own for the first time with a “Welcome Home Basket”. Baskets include supplies that will help formerly homeless seniors make a fresh start and transform their new apartment into a place that feels like home. This is a great project for families, friends and coworkers to work on together!

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“Welcome Home” Notes

As formerly homeless elders move into their new apartments, one of the easiest ways to say “Welcome Home” is to write a note of encouragement and congratulations that we will leave for them on the day they move into their new home. Physical cards can be mailed to Hearth, Inc. Attn: Maura Murphy 1640 Washington Street Boston, MA 02118

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