Science Club for Girls provides free, mentor-based STEM programming for girls in grades K-12 from underrepresented communities.
"I'm not sure where I would be today if it weren't for Science Club for Girls. I started in 3rd grade where gum drop architecture turned into dissecting fish, which turned into talking about theoretical physics with my senior mentor. Those experiences encouraged me to select AP science courses, major in honors biochemistry in college, and lead a research project as a freshman in a microbiology lab."
8-10 weeks of hands-on explorations in STEM led by volunteer women mentor scientists and Junior Mentors in weekly after school and Saturday settings.
Inquiry and project-based team learning for middle school girls, centered on the core concepts of engineering and the design process, led by women mentor scientists.
A leadership development program for girls in grades 8-12 who also serve as near-peer mentors that co-teach with adult mentors in K-5th grade clubs.