The Homeless Children's Playtime Project

The Playtime Project aims to cultivate resilience in children experiencing family homelessness by providing and expanding access to transformative play experiences.

When nine-year-old Brayden arrives, he seeks out his favorite volunteer, Laurie. They work together to make a potholder on a loom. As he works, Laurie encourages him, telling him how well he pays attention to detail and teaches him the word “dexterity.” Focused, he leans over the loom, carefully catching the loops with a crochet needle until the edges are complete. “Yay, I did it!” He raises it up to show everyone and says, “It’s a gift for my mom.”

945 unique children served in 2018


2023 Budget
74%Program Spend
9%Management Spend
17%Fundraising Spend
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