Care Dimensions Inc


Care Dimensions Inc.(CD) The mission of Care Dimensions, the largest non-profit hospice and palliative care provider in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, is to enrich the quality of life for those affected by life-limiting illness, death and loss by providing exceptional care, support, education and consultation.

Each year we offer more than 500 educational programs to the community and healthcare professionals
Each day we support more than 2,000 hospice patients
Each year we deliver nearly 300,000 patient visits including complementary therapy visits


2023 Budget
80%Program Spend
19%Management Spend
1%Fundraising Spend


Hospice Care

Care Dimensions tailors interdisciplinary customized care plans for the seriously ill, their loved ones and caregivers to help manage pain and symptoms, and honor personal needs and goals at end of life.

Palliative Care

For those with advanced illness who are not quite ready for hospice, palliative care provides an extra layer of support for comfort and pain relief from diagnosis throughout the course of treatment.

Bereavement Support

Our comprehensive grief support program includes counseling for the loved ones of our patients, and workshops, support groups, special remembrance events and tribute programs for any adult or child in the community who has experienced a loss. Our children’s program also includes a family summer camp retreat, a school-based grief program and educational workshops for parents and teachers of grieving children and teens.


We deliver physician-led, primary care to adults 65 years of age or older who are home-bound or home-limited because of physical or emotional limitations.

Specialized Support

We tailor programs for pediatrics, veterans and persons with disabilities, and from all faiths, caregivers. We provide specialized support for patients with several advanced condition including cardiac and pulmonary illnesses and dementias.

Community and Professional Education

We are committed to equipping community members and healthcare professionals with the knowledge and tools to better understand and navigate serious illness, death and loss. Each year we offer more than 500 educational workshops, resources and continuing education programs to support current and future patents and families and encourage the professional development of the healthcare workforces of today and the future.

Volunteering + Events


Volunteers are at the heart of our mission, enhancing our care plans by offering friendly companionship visits with our patients and their loved ones. Volunteers also serve as support in many office and administrative roles throughout our organization.

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Not all hospice expenses are reimbursed. Philanthropic endeavors seek to engage the community in supporting the charitable care needs of the elderly, poor and seriously ill neighbors and meet gaps in expenses from non-reimbursed services and support and help elevate the standard of care. Our annual Walk for Hospice and our Holiday Tree of Lights ceremony are two major fundraising events that help us meet those expense gaps.

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