The 5 Gyres Institute

The 5 Gyres Institute (5 Gyres) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Los Angeles, with a global network of supporters united in the pursuit of a planet free of plastic pollution. 5 Gyres' mission is to empower action against the global health crisis of plastic pollution through science, education, and advocacy. Since its inception in 2009, 5 Gyres has been a science-based pioneer in plastic pollution research and exploration. The organization originally set out to answer a set of key scientific questions, including the global scope, distribution, and impacts of plastic pollution. In 2014 5 Gyres published the first global estimate of marine plastic pollution, and recently updated these findings with the most comprehensive publication to date on ocean plastics. (PLOS ONE, 2023) 5 Gyres' goal is to reduce the harm from plastic pollution by 20% by 2030.

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2022 Budget
60%Program Spend
13%Management Spend
27%Fundraising Spend
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