Elmhurst Walk-in Assistance Network

Since 1997, the Elmhurst Walk-in Assistance Network has provided compassionate assistance to individuals and families in the Elmhurst community going through a difficult time. Sometimes families or individuals experience a job loss, a cutback in hours, divorce, disability, or other sudden, unforeseen circumstance that leave them unable to pay a bill. EWAN is a place they can come to for help while they get back on their feet. We serve Elmhurst residents, families with children in Elmhurst schools, or registered members of partnering Elmhurst churches.

We provide assistance with rent, utilities, car repair, prescriptions and gas. We coordinate access to local food pantries and clothes closets, and fund essential dental care through our partner dentists.

Since 1997, we've had over 20,000 client visits, provided over 23,500 services, and given nearly $2 million in assistance.
Helps keep a family in their home.
Pays for a car repair so someone can get to work
Helps keep the heat and lights on!


2023 Budget
90%Program Spend
5%Management Spend
5%Fundraising Spend


Our Core Services

We provide emergency services to keep families on their feet when unexpected life events occur - injury, divorce, job loss, loss of wage hours, transportation obstacles - particularly for people identified as A.L.I.C.E. (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed).

How We Do It

We are tightly connected to resources in our region, making us a critical member of the safety net for our local families.