Science And Arts Academy


To educate gifted children in an academically differentiated and enriched environment.

​We believe that every gifted child has the right to an education that is appropriate to his or her potential. SAA commits to creating a stimulating learning experience by providing educational offerings suited to our students' varied levels of development. We believe that SAA’s purpose is to promote, facilitate, and ignite student learning. Further, the best educational experience for a gifted child is guided by experts in gifted education and incorporates three components:

• Robust academics which appropriately challenge each student

• Extensive opportunities for artistic expression which foster creativity and build greater self-confidence

• Social and emotional development which allows students to gain skills for life-long success

We believe that SAA succeeds in uniquely serving gifted children with the support and cooperation of its entire community. ​


2022 Budget
75%Program Spend
23%Management Spend
2%Fundraising Spend
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