Girls Write Now

Girls Write Now breaks down barriers of gender, race, age and poverty to mentor and train the next generation of writers and leaders for life. Together, our community channels the power of our voices and stories to shape culture, impact industries and inspire change.

"It’s hard to imagine my life without Megumi! We clicked almost immediately during our first session, as we discovered our mutual love of certain musical artists, commiserated about our tendency to overthink, and bonded over our shared and all-encompassing love of reading. On the surface, we’re very similar and get along wonderfully, but the true joy was getting to know who Megumi is at her core—deeply passionate about the things she loves, motivated, persevering, thoughtful, energetic, and multi-talented! She is always looking ahead to the next opportunity, and is so enthusiastic about what she pursues…She has brought dimensions to my life that wouldn’t otherwise be there, and I’m so grateful to know her!" —Maddie Wallace on her mentee, Megumi Jindo

Of color and high need
Immigrant or first generation


2022 Budget
75%Program Spend
13%Management Spend
12%Fundraising Spend


Writing 360 Program

Writing 360 is is designed to grow multi-genre, multimedia writing skills and communication prowess, while mentors and mentees exercise their authentic voices and share their stories with the world.

Writing Works Program

Writing Works is our college and career readiness program geared to equip young adults and early-career professionals with the skills to succeed while fostering professional and personal connections.

Publishing 360 Program

Publishing 360 invites community members to engage in project-based learning to publish their print and multimedia work. Each year, Publishing 360 produces at least two original publications.

Volunteering + Events

Girls Write Now On the Other Side of Everything: 2023 Anthology Launch Party

Wednesday, May 31

6-8 PM EST

at P&T Knitwear Bookstore

Do you know what it’s like to communicate with your family across a salty ocean’s divide? Do you want the sun and moon to enter your home with stories written in embers? Do you seek voices that will shatter expectations? Welcome to the other side of everything. This anthology of diverse voices is an everything bagel of literary genres and love songs, secrets whispered in the dark of night, conversations held with ancestors under the sea.

Join us to celebrate the launch of our newest book, Girls Write Now On the Other Side of Everything, at P&T Knitwear Bookstore, a bookstore, cafe, and podcast studio in New York City’s Lower East Side. This book is made possible thanks to Dutton Books, Amazon Literary Partnership and Feminist Press.

Not in New York City? Join us virtually!

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