Breast Intentions

Programming Pro

Breast Intentions is a crisis intervention charity providing financial and emotional help to breast cancer patients and their families

We take care of the little things so that they can focus on the big thing...getting well!

Breast Intentions is a 501 (c) (3) charity started in New Jersey by two high school teens in 2007, who witnessed the first hand the struggles of treating breast cancer. After their mother and two aunts were all affected by breast cancer within the same year, they wanted to make a difference. They began selling t-shirts, candy, and bracelets to raise money for healing families in their community. The money raised has purchased wigs, prosthetics, paid living expenses, transportation to and from treatments, co-pays, and utility bills - and only grew from there...


2022 Budget
89%Program Spend
11%Management Spend
0%Fundraising Spend