Pennsylvania Mountains Healthcare Resource Development

Programming Pro

The specific purpose of the Corporation is to promote the health of the community and reduce the burden on government by facilitating the exchange of electronic health information among hospitals, physicians, and others in the health care system. Without limiting the foregoing, the Corporation will accomplish this purpose by: (1) overseeing the creation and maintenance of a fiber network that will be used for the secure exchange of electronic health information among hospitals, physicians and others in the health care system in Pennsylvania; (2) overseeing the creation and operation of programs involving the delivery of health services, and the associated exchange of electronic health information, via telemedicine using that fiber network; and (3) engaging in any other activities that are incidental to, supportive of, and/or in the furtherance of, the advancement of the educational, charitable and scientific purposes of the Corporation.

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2022 Budget
100%Program Spend
0%Management Spend
0%Fundraising Spend