National Coalition Against Domestic Violence


The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV)'s mission is to lead, mobilize and raise our voices to support efforts that demand a change of conditions that lead to domestic violence such as patriarchy, privilege, racism, sexism, and classism. We are dedicated to supporting survivors and holding offenders accountable and supporting advocates.

NCADV represents the voices of victims and survivors of domestic violence (DV) across the US. We are survivor-led, and this shapes every aspect of our work. NCADV’s nationally recognized educational services, legislative activities and programs reflect the complex needs of victims and survivors and provide both support to those in crisis and useful assets to the advocates and allies that work with them daily. We believe that empowered, informed DV advocates are crucial to the immediate and long-term safety and wellness of victims and survivors.

Ten million people a year are physically abused by an intimate partner.
$10 a month helps us give voice to victims and survivors of violence.
makes everything we do possible.
Enables us to continue our efforts without utilizing federal dollars.


2022 Budget
89%Program Spend
6%Management Spend
5%Fundraising Spend


Annual National Conference on Domestic Violence

Since 1980, the national conference on domestic violence has been NCADV’s signature program to support and empower advocates and survivors from across the US. Experts from across the nation representing all aspects of the domestic violence field come together to inform, equip and educate survivors, advocates, activists, law enforcement, judiciary officials, educators, and administration officials on the multitude of issues that victims and survivors face and the best programming and responses available to help empower victims and survivors of domestic violence and keep them safe.

Raising Awareness About Domestic Violence

NCADV uses a number of avenues to raise awareness about domestic violence and encourages visitors and followers to engage their networks in conversations about domestic violence and the various intersections it can take. Our website is visited by more than 1M people a year and our social media channels reach more than 200,000.

Volunteering + Events

NCADV's 20th Annual National Conference on Domestic Violence

Join us April 28 - 31, 2022 in St. Louis, MO!

At each NCADV conference, we work to challenge and inform those working within the movement and/or “system” to provide the most effective solutions and support to domestic violence victims. We work to connect and empower victims and survivors of domestic (and other forms of) violence through specialized workshops and discussion sessions, survivor institutes, intensives, and other organized events aimed at providing a space for victims and survivors to process their experiences, connect with others and heal. Our conference themes, workshops, presenters and events are structured to provide victim service providers and allied professionals with the information they most need to guide, challenge and improve their work. The attendees at each conference network, share their stories and ideas, celebrate past achievements, envision the future and enjoy the opportunity to refocus and redouble their energy and efforts aimed at ending domestic violence.

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Donate Unwanted Phones and Electronics to NCADV

Just because your old electronics are no longer used to communicate doesn’t mean they still can’t send a message. With the help of our recycling partner, Cellular Recycler, NCADV collects small electronics, such as cell phones, laptops, and video game systems and receives a portion of funds from the sale of refurbished items. These donations go directly to furthering NCADV’s programming and projects that support victims and survivors of domestic violence and the advocates and allies that work with them daily. Free shipping is available when donating three items or more and the process is easy--encourage your friends, family, communities and coworkers to contribute as well or organize a larger collection! Click the link below for more information.

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