Breast Cancer Prevention Partners

EstablishedProgramming ProSocial ButterflySolid Support

For over 25 years, we have been the leading science-based policy and advocacy organization working to prevent breast cancer by eliminating our exposure to toxic chemicals and radiation. Our focus is on the intersection of breast cancer prevention and environmental health.

Founded in 1992 by Andrea Ravinett Martin (1947 – 2003), we have grown to become one of the nation’s leading nonprofit organizations dedicated to the public health crisis of breast cancer, with an unwavering focus on prevention.

Working with a wide variety of partners, including people like you, we have made enormous gains, including:

- Published 33 major studies, including our landmark “State of the Evidence” reports.

- Worked with legislators to increase the Center for Disease Control’s Environmental Health Budget by 300%.

- California signed into law a medical radiation bill, sponsored by us. One of 11 bills we’ve signed into law.

- Campbell’s announced a bisphenol A (BPA) phase-out, one of our major initiatives.

Johnson & Johnson committed to Safer Cosmetics worldwide.

- Walmart and Target adopted Safe Chemicals policies.

- Since 1995 our climbs have brought over 500 women and men together to climb the highest peaks in support of our organization and our mission.

On March 6, 2017 Breast Cancer Fund (BCF) changed its name to Breast Cancer Prevention Partners (BCPP), a better reflection of who we are and what we do. We adopted a new name and a new look, but our mission and commitment remains the same: to prevent breast cancer through our work with partners like you.

Over the years we’ve been a part of so many important victories with you at our side. Looking ahead our work is more important than ever before. There is so much more to do.

The number of chemicals on the market available for use in the U.S.
The number of chemicals tested by the EPA for health effects
The number of major scientific studies and reports published by BCPP


2023 Budget
72%Program Spend
12%Management Spend
16%Fundraising Spend
Gary, Kenny & 17 others backed this
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