Washington Ice Emeralds Synchronized Skating Organization
Shoreline, WA
WIESSO offers skaters of all ages youth through adult the opportunity to skate on a competitive synchronized skating team. So far all of our operations are funded by it's members through their season dues which are budgeted out in August and are for a season running September through February. Additional funds are brought in through fundraising, selling wreaths, bake sales and eventually corporate donations. We hold practices for teams at various ice arenas in the PNW to prepare teams for competitions and performances through their season. The money that is paid from members pays for ice time, coaching fees, costumes, make-up, administrative fees, travel costs and advertisement. Additional money that is raised will be used to bring the cost of participating on a team down and bring in more educational opportunities for coaches to grow the program. We also hold 1-2 camps per year, usually in the summer to give more opportunities for current members to grow in synchro.