Elevate Oregon

Hometown Hero

Help young people unlock their potential and power.

A key theme is resiliency. Kaitlyn is the kind of kid Elevate was created for. Last year, Kaitlyn hit rough times and her life took a big hit, emotionally, academically and socially. We have been able to offer consistent support, both in class and outside of school. On this fall's progress report, Kaitlyn earned a 4.0 GPA. She's back to her lively self, with a maturity that will serve her well.

100% of seniors enrolled in Elevate graduate on-time.
30 minutes of 1:1 mentoring focused on goal setting, resilience, and communication
Weekly Little Lift session; pairing high school peer mentors with elementary school youth
Career exposure trip: inspiring youth to plan for the future


2022 Budget
69%Program Spend
19%Management Spend
12%Fundraising Spend
Josephine & Rachel backed this
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