Black Girls Code, Inc.
Oakland, CA
Black Girls Code (BGC) prepares Black girls and gender-expansive youth to be the next generation of tech creators, innovators, and decision-makers. Our mission is to ensure that Black girls believe they belong in tech and launch them with the skills, opportunities, and resources to lead in Science, Tech, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM).
Our programs are built around three age-specific strategic pillars:
Inspire: Spark a joyful curiosity in Black girls and gender-expansive youth of color, ages 7-18, that transforms into innovation and a lifelong passion for tech.
Educate: Deliver versatile and inclusive in-person and virtual learning that equip BGC learners, aged 7-18, with knowledge and skills to build a foundation for success in tech and beyond.
Launch: Transcend coding proficiency to fuel workforce development and readiness, offering a toolkit of resources, a vibrant network, and confidence for individuals 18 and above to boldly pursue their aspirations and lead in tech.