Catie's Closet

Programming Pro

Catie’s Closet gives students in need life-changing access to clothing and basic necessities.

Catie’s Closet began as a tribute to our daughter, niece, sister, and friend, Catie Bisson, who passed away at the age of 20. As a teenager, Catie understood the barriers children in our own city experience , which keep them away from school. Catie felt strongly that education should not be a privilege. Catie’s legacy now lives on in Catie’s Closet, and we honor her memory by helping children access the essentials they need to attain an education.

free in-school stores filled with clothing and toiletries built throughout school districts in MA and NH.
The number of children and teens served through our in-school Closet program and our SOS Urgent Response Program
Provides one child access to clothing, toiletries and basic necessities for an entire school year.


2022 Budget
91%Program Spend
3%Management Spend
6%Fundraising Spend


In-School Closet Program

Our In-School Closet Program provides students in local public schools with clothing and other necessities in a discreet and dignified environment free of charge. We transform unused spaces inside schools where 50% or more of the student population is living in poverty. Accompanied to their closet by a trusted school faculty member, children are granted the agency to choose an unlimited amount of basic necessities to help them attend school and thrive in and out of the classroom.

SOS Urgent Response Program

The Catie's Closet SOS Urgent Response Program is designed to support the immediate needs of children transitioning between stable living conditions. This includes children who are homeless, moving into foster care, newcomers to the United States, fire victims, and survivors of abusive situations. Our school and vetted social service agency partners place a special request order stating each child’s unique needs. We then create a customized package with up to two weeks’ worth of clothing and other essentials. We aim to deliver the SOS package within 24-48 hours for a rapid response providing immediate relief.

Volunteering + Events

In-House Processing Party

Level up your Host a Drive and bring the volunteering experience to your office with our Processing Party Kit! Along with the flyer and supplies for your clothing/toiletry drive, we will send you a kit to sort and process your donations. The kit includes processing instructions and color coded materials to make your Processing Party a fun, engaging team opportunity that makes a big impact.

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Sorting & Processing Donation at our DC

Be a part of the Catie’s Closet magic with your gift of time and assistance in sorting and processing donations! Volunteer opportunities are available at our Distribution Centers in two-hour, weekday shifts for groups of up to 20 people per shift.

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Be a Closet Champion

Help us make every Closet experience warm and welcoming as a Closet Champion! A Closet Champion visits their assigned closet weekly/biweekly during school hours to make sure it is clean, well-stocked, and organized. If there are any items needed for the closet, the Closet Champion works directly with our Distribution Centers to restock the closet. There is the option for three to four people to share the responsibilities of the position.

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