Target Hunger

Programming Pro

Target Hunger is one of Houston’s largest non-profit organizations providing direct food assistance to food insecure children, families, and seniors who face the risk of going hungry every day.

Target Hunger is committed to helping Houstonians. We offer multiple food programs designed specifically to meet the needs of our community. We know children, families, and seniors may need help and Target Hunger has developed many ways to distribute food throughout our northeast and east Houston service area.

Jessica and her son are one of the families served through our pantries. They look forward to seeing what fresh produce they will receive from each grocery distribution. This past Thanksgiving, they were especially excited for the turkey – though he didn’t want to admit it, Jessica said Jose was looking forward to helping his mom in the kitchen and enjoying cooking for the special holiday with his family. Jessica said, beyond the food, she was grateful for Target Hunger’s services because they allow her to focus on her kids instead of worrying where the next meal will come from.

1.2 million
meals served in 2022.


2022 Budget
86%Program Spend
5%Management Spend
9%Fundraising Spend


Food Assistance

Food Assistance flows through several channels:

• Food Pantries located in community centers, senior service centers and communities, churches.

• Home Delivery for seniors, people with disabilities, and families that have difficulty accessing pantries or stores.

• Educational Food Fairs distribute thousands of pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables to anyone needing food in high-poverty zones.

• Summer Food Programs for children whose families rely on the school lunch program.

Navigation Services

Addressing hunger includes addressing the root causes of hunger. Social Service Navigation is one of our most effective tools for breaking cycles of poverty that create chronic food insecurity.

Our long-term vision means we use every opportunity to address the root causes of food insecurity, which are tied primarily to intergenerational poverty. That means forging strong connections to other organizations to amplify the impact we can have together, both through our Navigation Services and our innovative partnerships.

Volunteering + Events

Food Fairs

Our Food Fairs are open to anyone in Houston and provide participants with fresh produce and access to community educators. Your help is needed for client intake, repackaging produce, and assisting with loading food into client’s car trunks.

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Community Garden

Do you enjoy working outdoors? Do you want to share your passion for gardening with others? We welcome both novice and experienced gardeners to volunteer at our Garden. Volunteers work together to grow thousands of pounds of nutritious produce that is distributed through Target Hunger programs.

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