Dallas Meditation Center

Programming Pro

Dallas Meditation Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational human services organization. We welcome people with all levels of experience to practice with us. We affirm people of all ages, genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and abilities. We are a refuge for all people regardless of their traditions or beliefs. We envision a North Texas community where every individual experiences peace, joy, compassion, creativity, and wellbeing. We serve everyone equally regardless of their financial means. We accept donations and funding to sustain the community.

"I practice meditation to help make my life better. And to give me peace and joy, and also to help those around me. Because if I'm feeling more peaceful and joyful, I can give back to the people that I am around all the time. So that's kind of the reason that I do it. I come here to the Dallas Meditation Center, because I find that meditating alone gives me a lot of that feeling, but it is hard to sustain it without having a community and relationships that help support that so it's valuable to me to have a place like this where I have those relationships."


2023 Budget
95%Program Spend
5%Management Spend
0%Fundraising Spend

Volunteering + Events

Beginner Meditation Workshop

Have you been meaning to start a meditation practice? Or have you fallen out of routine with an existing practice? Do you find it difficult to calm your mind when you sit?

During this three-hour workshop, we will begin with tools and techniques that anyone can easily apply to establish or strengthen a meditation practice. You will be guided through exercises to help you settle into a place of ease. We will enjoy extended periods of both guided and silent meditation.

This workshop is great for beginners as well as established practitioners who want to refresh and deepen their meditation practice.

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Volunteer at Dallas Meditation Center

Our goal is for ALL to feel welcome in a space that provides conditions for ease while we practice. All of this happens because of the support of our leadership & community!

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