American Immigration Council

EstablishedProgramming ProSocial Butterfly

The American Immigration Council works to strengthen America by shaping how America thinks about and acts towards immigrants and immigration and by working toward a more fair and just immigration system that opens its doors to those in need of protection and unleashes the energy and skills that immigrants bring.

We are working every day to protect mothers, fathers, children and grandparents who have come to the United States seeking protection. People like Bernardino, who, after receiving death threats in his home country had no choice but to embark on a dangerous journey to the US. With his 12 year old daughter, he came in search of asylum.

Seeking asylum is not a crime. Yet, upon arrival at the border, they were treated like criminals, detained, and sent to separate facilities.

Through our Immigration Justice Campaign, we provided Bernardino and his daughter with an attorney. Their attorney fought for them through the complex immigration system. After a long legal battle, Bernardino and his daughter were released and reunited. They are now able to pursue their legal fight free from detention. His daughter has since enrolled in middle school.

Access to counsel is life-changing for families like Bernardino’s. We are ensuring access to attorneys through litigation, research, advocacy, and providing attorneys to those in need of representation. With your help, we will continue this critical work because no one should face the immigration system alone.

Since the beginning of the Campaign, we have served 960 adults.
Since its inception, the Dilley Pro Bono Project has assisted at least 126,764 individuals
or 63,382 families.


2022 Budget
79%Program Spend
13%Management Spend
8%Fundraising Spend


Center for Inclusion and Belonging

After two decades of fighting at the forefront of meaningful legal and policy change, the American Immigration Council will activate its mission statement in new and innovative ways to respond to deepening divides and harness the power of a new group of thinkers and doers not usually engaged on our issue.

Immigration Justice Campaign

The primary goal of the Justice Campaign is to increase access to legal counsel for thousands of immigrants held in detention centers. To achieve this, the Campaign is building a broad network of pro bono allies to serve the many thousands of detained individuals who would otherwise go unrepresented and training private lawyers with new tactics and strategies to enable them to vigorously defend immigrants facing removal.

Litigation, research, legislative and administrative advocacy, and communications.

The Council brings together problem solvers and employs four coordinated approaches to advance change—litigation, research, legislative and administrative advocacy, and communications. With this synergy, the Council works to advance positive public attitudes and create a more welcoming America—one that provides a fair process for immigrants and adopts immigration laws and policies that take into account the needs of the U.S. economy.

Cultural Exchange

The American Immigration Council sponsors intern and trainee programs at host organizations across the United States. We promote exchange by providing direct support to Exchange Visitors, Host Organizations and Attorneys, from application for J visa sponsorship through alumni engagement.

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