Habitat For Humanity East Bay/Silicon Valley

EstablishedProgramming Pro

Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.


2022 Budget
78%Program Spend
14%Management Spend
8%Fundraising Spend

Volunteering + Events

Company Team Building

Team Building with Habitat EBSV provides your company the opportunity to strengthen your team and the Bay Area community. Corporate volunteering will challenge team members to communicate and work together to achieve a tangible outcome. Employees return to the workplace motivated, connected, and inspired. We provide all the tools, materials, and training -- you just provide a tax-deductible donation and the helping hands!

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Playhouse Builds

Provide a child a playful retreat to call their own while supporting affordable housing in the Bay Area. At Habitat for Humanity Playhouse build days, corporate teams assemble and decorate children’s playhouses, which are then donated to families and local community charities. Flexible scheduling and location options make Playhouse Builds easy for teams and events of any size.

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Megan, Ryan & 3 others backed this
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