EstablishedProgramming Pro

DYF provides community, education, and support to children, teens, families, and adults affected by type 1 diabetes. Through DYF's resident camps and day programs, those affected by T1D develop the tools and resources necessary to thrive with type 1.

“Camp was life-changing. It was my first time I actually accepted myself with diabetes.” - Naomi, age 17

“Camp is the one place that helps Zyan form healthy diabetes habits to become a healthy adult. Where he learns to take care of himself. Where he builds friendships with other kids in his situation.”- Michelle, parent of Zyan age 7

“Before I went to camp I was really nervous. But I loved it so much more than I ever thought I could. I set an alarm on my phone to go off for next summer's session as soon as I got home!”-Morgan, age 16


2023 Budget
76%Program Spend
18%Management Spend
5%Fundraising Spend
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