A Collection

⛑ Beirut Explosion Relief

On the evening of Aug. 4, two explosions struck the Lebanese capital of Beirut. The force of the explosion was massive and destructive as cars had been flipped in the blast, glass littered the streets, and homes were destroyed. Tragically, the explosion killed at least 177 people and wounded 6,000 others. There was at least $10-15 billion dollars in property damage. The explosion changed the lives of many people for the worst and left an estimated 300,000 people homeless. Authorities declared a two-week state of emergency.

At times like this, it is important for us all to get together to help those who have been affected by such a horrifying event. Oxfam is working with local partners to assess how it can help those who have lost their homes and livelihoods in the Beirut explosion. Islamic Relief USA has been focusing their efforts on distributing food, essential hygiene kits and health assistance to those currently sheltering in communal buildings Humanity & Inclusion is providing assistance to hospitals and rehabilitation centres to ensure that the people who have been injured get the psychological support they need.

Islamic Relief Usa

Islamic Relief Usa

Alexandria, VA

Islamic relief usa provides relief and development in a dignified manner regardless of gender race or religion and works to empower individuals in their communities and give them a voice in the world.

Oxfam-America Inc

Oxfam-America Inc

Boston, MA

Oxfam is a global organization that fights inequality to end poverty and injustice. We offer lifesaving support in times of crisis and advocate for economic justice, gender equality, and climate action. We demand equal rights and equal treatment so that everyone can thrive, not just survive. The future is equal.

Handicap International

Handicap International

Silver Spring, MD

HI was founded in 1982 as a result of a feeling of outrage about the injustice faced by victims of conflict. Discover more about the mission and vision that guide our operations today in over sixty countries.

World Food Program USA

World Food Program USA

Washington, DC

Build support in the us for the world food programme & overall effort to address global hunger

Project Hope The People To People Health Foundation Inc

Project Hope The People To People Health Foundation Inc

Washington, DC

For more than 60 years, Project HOPE has transformed the health and well-being of people and communities around the world. We work on the front lines of the world’s health challenges, partnering hand-in-hand with communities, health care workers and public health systems to ensure sustainable change.

Operation Usa

Operation Usa

Los Angeles, CA

It helps communities to alleviate the effects of disasters disease and endemic poverty throughout the world by providing privately-funded relief reconstruction and development aid.The Organization works with partner agencies in many countries including local and international NGO's UN and government health agencies and other civil society institutions.Each partner agency receives a list of available supplies and evaluates them in relation to local needs.Then the supplies are packed and shipped by air sea and land to where the greatest need exists

Save The Children

Save The Children

Fairfield, CT

Every Child Deserves a Future. For 100 years, we’ve been giving children in the U.S. and around the world a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. When crisis strikes, we are always among the first to respond and the last to leave. We do whatever it takes to save children, transforming their lives and the future we share.

Lutheran World Relief Inc

Lutheran World Relief Inc

Baltimore, MD

We are grounded in profound thankfulness for God’s gracious, self-giving love for all humankind, revealed in the redemptive acts of Jesus Christ. Gratitude marks the way we relate to one another and to all creation. Though our experiences vary, we view community as a gift. We give thanks for our wondrous diversity. We celebrate being alive. We abound with joy, hopefulness, hospitality and deep appreciation for the gift of one another (Psalm 136).

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